Politics Politics Feature

The Morning After: McCain’s Still Alive

Republicans had gathered in Minneapolis-St. Paul under
something of a cloud. Feeling in the immediate aftermath of the convention was
different. Republicans leaving Minnesota seem optimistic that they’re at
the very least competitive. Many feel that the weekend polls will give the
ticket at least a slight lead.

ST. PAUL — As most delegates, alternates, and media had
figured it in advance, the acceptance address on Thursday night by new
Republican presidential nominee John McCain was not only pro forma, but
anti-climactic. The pivotal speech was that of vice presidential nominee Sarah
Palin on Wednesday night.

On the success or failure of Alaska governor Palin,
McCain’s first decision and an unknown quantity, perhaps even to him , rested
the GOP candidate’s chances. In that sense, what she did was considered to be
the true counterpart to Barack Obama’s showcase speech at Invesco Field a week

Palin delivered, in spades, and so McCain had only to go
out on stage and read from the script on the teleprompter, one which focused, as
all previous speakers, including his wife Cindy, did, on the heroic saga of his
military service in Vietnam. That, and the candidate’s status as a political “maverick.”When
it came time for McCain to speak, he, too, made mention of his P.O.W. ordeal,
adding only that at one time, after repeated tortures by his captors, “I broke.”

The warmth with which delegates greeted this admission was
equivalent to the forgive-all reaction to disclosures of irregularities in the
private life of Palin’s immediate family. Indeed, in both cases, it appeared to
create a bond.

Republicans had gathered in Minneapolis-St. Paul under
something of a cloud. Obama had just delivered his blockbuster speech of
acceptance in Denver, Palin was an unknown quantity and was taking shots from
the media, and the presumption was, even among most of the delegates, that the
way forward for the GOP ticket was hazardous at best.

Feeling in the immediate aftermath of the convention was
different. Especially since Obama had gotten no great bump in the polls from his
own convention, Republicans leaving Minnesota seem optimistic that they’re at
the very least competitive. Many feel that the weekend polls will give the
ticket at least a slight lead.

We shall see what we shall see. In any case, the
conventions have come and gone, Labor Day is over, and the campaign proper now

–Jackson Baker