I don’t understand why people are opposed to letting some Muslims build a mosque a few blocks away from Ground Zero in New York City. I actually think it would be nice for President Obama to have a place to worship in downtown Manhattan.
Seriously, the stoopidization of America seems to be accelerating. Each week, there’s a new round of pointless absurdities dominating the news cycle. Yesterday, the news was chock full ‘o stories about new polls that said up to 24 percent of Americans believe the president is a Muslim. This is a staggering level of ignorance, if you think about it. Walk through, say, a crowded mall and ponder the fact that one in four of the adults around you are buying into this media-propelled myth.

And here’s the crazy thing: This year, the yahooligans are convinced Obama’s a Muslim. But only two years ago, they were outraged because Jeremiah Wright, the minister of the president’s Chicago CHRISTIAN Church was making what they considered anti-American statements from the pulpit. They were screeching because Obama and his family had been members of the church for years and had therefore had to have heard Wright’s controversial remarks.
This is from MSNBC in March 2008: Obama spoke warmly of Wright, who retired last month as pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Wright is a man “I’ve known for 17 years, [who] helped bring me to Jesus, helped bring me to church,” he said.
“I strongly condemn” Wright’s statements, but “I would not repudiate the man,” Obama said. “He’s been preaching for 30 years. He’s a man who was a former Marine, a biblical scholar, someone who’s spoken at theological schools all over the country.”
This was candidate Obama, walking back his support of Wright, distancing himself from his soon-to-be former PASTOR.
So to reiterate: Two years ago, Obama was getting beaten up by critics who wanted him to distance himself from his Christian minister. Now the same anti-Obama crowd is pushing the falsehood that he’s a Muslim?
Not only are these people stupid, they can’t even remember crap they were mad about only two years ago.