“…Subj: Germantown Democratic Club
Date: 5/28/2003 11:24:59 PM Central Standard Time
From: galecarson@peoplepc.com
To: RobnNet@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Jeanette, thank you so very much for sending me the invitation below. This is the absolute first that I have heard of this event. No one has called me to tell me anything or ask about my availability.
This Saturday, Commissioner Deidre Malone and I are scheduled to conduct a workshop on Government at a Parent/Youth Summit. Afterwards, I have a very important meeting that begins at 4 p.m. — this meeting was scheduled at least three weeks ago.
I have received NO calls from anyone other than Randle Catron who called me at work last Friday when I was off work planning my class reunion. When I returned to work Tuesday, May 27, Randle had left a message stating that Tulut El-Amin wanted copies of the Party records. I immediately called Shirley Mason, the former secretary for the Party, and asked her to give him copies of the minutes for the last two years. Afterwards, Randle made it clear to Shirley that Tulut wanted the financial records, not the minutes. Well, needless to say, Matt Kuhn had worked out getting the financial records to Chairman Bowers more than two weeks ago.
Anyway, I can not believe that I am only learning of this event three days prior to it happening and that an e-mail invitation is going out with my name on it and no one has contacted me to see if I would be available.
Gale Jones Carson
—– Original Message —–
From: RobnNet@aol.com
To: RobnNet@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:46 PM
Subject: Germantown Democratic Club
You are invited to attend
Saturday, May 31, 2003
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
at the
The Racquet Club Walnut Room
Democratic Roundup 2003!
Hosted By
Congressman Harold Ford Û Mayor A.C. Wharton
To Honor
New Democratic Party Chair
Kathryn Bowers and the incoming 2003-2005 Executive Committee
and Party Chair Emeritus
Gale Jones Carson and the 2001-2003 Executive Committee
Co-Hosted By:
State Senators Steve Cohen, Roscoe Dixon, John Ford and Jim Kyle
State Representatives Henri Brooks, Carol Chumney, Barbara Cooper, John DeBerry, Lois DeBerry, Ulysses Jones, Mike Kernell, Larry Miller, Joe Towns and Larry Turner
Assessor Rita Clark
County Commissioners Walter Bailey, Jr., Julian Bolton, Joe Ford, Michael Hooks,
Dr. Cleo Kirk and Deidre Malone
Felicia Boyd, President, Shelby County Democratic Women
Dick Klenz, President, Germantown Democratic Club
Melvin Burgess III, President, Midtown Democratic Club
Oran Quintrell
Shelby County Democratic ExecCom
Memphis, Tennessee
Subj: Re: Germantown Democratic Club
Date: 5/29/2003 5:42:45 AM Central Standard Time
From: galecarson@peoplepc.com
To: hamm_rex@msn.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Rex, you, and I guess some others, were privy to the event before me even though I am on listed on the e-mail invitation. After reading the invitation last night, I called Deidre to ask her about it since she is listed as a co-host. She said she only learned of the event late Wednesday afternoon. Deidre said she specifically asked them not to put her name on the invite but they did so anyway. This is all very interesting.
Gale Jones Carson
—– Original Message —–
From: hamm_rex
To: RobnNet@aol.com ; Gale Carson
Cc: David Upton
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: Germantown Democratic Club
***Date Correction*** (i.e. today being 5/28/03)
Hi Gale,
I only received a call from David Upton regarding this event yesterday morning
between ~1000-1100.
He was trying to obtain our Midtown/Downtown Democratic Club President’s
ageement to be a member of the host committee.
I know that he mentioned that he hoped that you would attend.
Apparently this event was only finalized and put together yesterday, Wednesday 5/28.
You may note that I have CC’d David so hopefully he can fill you in further.
Sorry about the duplication, I forgot that it was already 0330 5/29 when I sent the
first response.