Intermission Impossible Theater

The Politics of Performance: Three questions about a free theater experience at Java Cabana


  • Poster for MAKE AMERICA

Writer/actor Brandon Chase Goldsmith has been working on what he describes as “a new form of political theater.” His interactive performance Make America is based on a 1792 essay by James Madison where the principle author of the Constitution refers to both his writing and Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence as “America’s “Political Scriptures.” Goldsmith has a lot to say about his performance and the bumpy road leading up to its Memphis debut. Intermission Impossible managed to get to the heart of it all in a little game we like to call Three Questions.

Intermission Impossible: Let’s start with a strange question. Your show is inspired by a James Madison essay where he refers to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as America’s “Political Scriptures.” Is there some semantic advantage in using spiritually-charged language to define man made documents?