
The Sexiest Vegan Might Be From Memphis

What a sexy hunk o’ man meat! Er, no, we mean man tofu. Oh, forget it. All you need to know is that University of Memphis student Joe Simon is one of the nominees for “Sexiest Vegan,” a contest sponsored by PETA. …

What a sexy hunk o’ man meat! Er, no, we mean man tofu. Oh, forget it. All you need to know is that University of Memphis student Joe Simon is one of the nominees for “Sexiest Vegan,” a contest sponsored by PETA.

Visitors to PETA’s Web site have long been able to vote for their favorite vegetarian celebrities. Now, PETA has expanded the contest to include the vegetarian boy and girl next door. After the first round of votes was tallied, the 21-year-old Simon beat out hundreds of other entrants from across the U.S. and Canada to become one of 10 male finalists.

A New Orleans native, Joe is an active weight-lifter and long-distance runner and swimmer who plans to become a Marine Corps officer after graduating. He often introduces his fraternity brothers to delicious vegan meals and has convinced one of them to go vegetarian, the site adds, helpfully. He and his friends frequently come to the aid of chained dogs.

Vote for Joe here.