News The Fly-By


“Friends think I’m nuts, but I’ve got a serious thing for Mr. Pig, the cartoon character that’s the symbol for Piggly Wiggly,” wrote Commercial Appeal food columnist Leslie Kelly last week in a column devoted to her anthropomorphic love affair with the porcine mascot for Memphis’ most famous grocery store. Kelly said she’d like to see Mr. Pig’s face carved on Mt. Rushmore and closed her article by asking readers to suggest Memphis-specific scenarios in which Mr. Pig might appear. The Fly-team was unable to resist such a challenge.

This is an actual hidden camera shot of Mr. Pig accepting money from a representative of E-Cycle Management. Since he’s a private mascot, and not an elected logo, no charges were pressed.

In an effort to squelch controversy over local Confederate-themed parks, one citizens’ group suggests major changes to the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Although county medical examiner O.C. Smith made a lot of headlines after he was tied up in barbed wire by an unknown assailant, the copycat crimes get very little attention outside of Memphis’ heavy-metal community.

The Fly-team would also like to see Mr. Pig act out Ned Beatty’s role in Deliverance and try his hand at writing a daily food column.