Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

The Strange Case of Marsha Blackburn and the Exploding Cigar

Evil scientist Marsha Blackburn lit up a fat cat Twitter cigar yesterday and BAM! Right in the face.

Obviously, it’s not hard to troll online polls and Democrats are motivated. But, as previously uninsured folks stare down the very real chance of losing their recently insured status, it’s hard to say the soot and tobacco all over Blackburn’s pinched, bitter face is completely devoid of meaning.

How can it be that Republicans, after opposing the Affordable Care Act tooth and nail for six years, haven’t got an alternative? I mean, aside from the obvious fact that none of them care if Uncle Phil gets his medicine or not because he should have worked harder when he was healthy. Duh.

It’s because Obamacare was the workable Republican plan, they only hated it because — Obama. And no matter how hard the kleptocracy scrambles, they can’t come up with something just as conflicted and industry forward that looks completely different to consumers who’ll experience zero value from less Medicaid or potentially disastrous tort reform.

So, as the great unraveling gets underway, let’s all have a good laugh at Marsha’s exploding cigar. It’ll be her turn to laugh when we’re all crawling with something expensive and incurable.