Politics Politics Feature

The Tennessee Stud: Fred Thompson’s Womanizing Ways

Well, that didn’t take long. Former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson declared for president on Jay Leno this week and three days later, the press starts digging into ol’ Fred’s dirty laundry. And there’s plenty to dig into, if today’s London Daily Mail story is any indication.

A few excerpts from the Mail‘s profile of big Fred …

Well, that didn’t take long. Former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson declared for president on Jay Leno this week and three days later, the press starts digging into ol’ Fred’s dirty laundry. And there’s plenty to dig into, if today’s London Daily Mail story is any indication.

A few excerpts from the Mail‘s profile of big Fred: A Mail investigation raises serious questions about whether the affable Thompson is the committed pillar of ‘family values’ that conservatives take him to be.

His second wife, Jeri, is a blonde 24 years his junior. They wed in 2002 after Thompson was advised that if he wanted to become President he needed to quell a reputation as a womaniser that earned him the nickname the Tennessee Stud.

His conquests include the five times-married “Elizabeth Taylor of country”, Lorrie Morgan, and three-time-divorcee Georgette Mosbacher, known as the “Divine Mrs M”.

Moreover, when Thompson married his first wife, Sarah Lindsey, at Lawrenceburg Methodist Church in 1959, she was already two months pregnant with their first child.

There’s more, lots more. Read the Mail story.