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The Tropical Freeze

be6f/1246557101-tropicalfreezeroof60.jpg Even my team of psychiatrists has a hard time explaining my obsession with the Tropical Freeze, the frozen custard joint that stood at the southwest corner of Poplar and White Station in the 1960s. It was quite a place, with a thatched roof, a miniature dancing hula girl in the window, great neon signs, a shell-lined fountain in the parking lot, and a cluster of fake palm trees on the roof, illuminated by colored spotlights. A Starbucks stands on the site today.

And yet, I have never found a decent photograph of such an unusual business. Some years ago, I managed to find a nice color image of a group of White Station students sitting in their cars in the Tropical Freeze parking lot. That showed the fountain pretty well, but the photographer was aiming his camera away from the building itself, so that’s all you saw.