I think California has it about right: Every election should be treated like a first date. After all, when you ask somebody out to dinner for the first time, you dont know if itll work out. Youre shooting in the dark. You drive to the restaurant full of high hopes–at least your date looks good, you think, and youve got a few things in common. But then, after youre seated at a well-placed table away from the kitchen, she starts to chatter about gardening, or he starts to jabber about baseball, and your heart sinks.
Then she chooses some ridiculously expensive wine or he decides to go with some weird Australian beer, and whats left of your heart plummets. Theres a good chance that before the salad course is over, you know that this relationship is headed for a cliff. Two hours later, somebody drops somebody off at home, you say you had a good time, you promise to call, and thats the end of it. Theyre out of your life forever.
Thats politics in California.
But I dont think California has taken the idea of political recalls far enough. The technology now exists to speed up the process. Its called the Internet. Thanks to the Internet, we can make the whole elect-and-eject enterprise as quick as a bad first date. Quicker, even.
Heres what I propose: Henceforth, Californians get to vote every day. Each morning, between coffee and commute, they will be able to go on the Internet and vote, not just for governor, but for their congressmen, their state legislators, their mayor, their school board, and as many Propositions as they can propose. While nibbling on their toast, they will simply log on to, type in their password, and vote. Tuesday’s winners, for example, will then take office on Wednesday.
We shall call this Instant Democracy–ID, for short. If ID is successful in California–as I have no doubt it will be–it will then be brought to the rest of the states and the nation.
Instant Democracy has many virtues:
Instant Democracy will soon apply to all elections–local, state and national. Think of it: You will be able to vote for President every day, so the president had better behave, doggone it.
Of course, some may carp that ID would lead to political chaos. No legislation would be passed, they say, because politicians would be afraid that anything they did Friday might offend the voters and thereby leave the politicians unemployed Saturday. And it would be inconvenient, they say, for foreign nations to negotiate treaties with a president who might be back, say, tending bar by next Monday.
But on the contrary, I think Instant Democracy would improve legislation and give the president immense flexibility. Without the safety net of 2- or 6-year terms, our congressmen and senators will no longer spend years doing nothing but raising money for their next elections.
Instead, knowing that they could be ousted tomorrow and that everything they do could be overturned by the weekend, they will be free to pass truly daring and innovative legislation that might actually tackle some of the nations problems.
As for the president, he can deal with foreign nations in the full knowledge that, as of this very morning, he had the full support of a plurality of American voters. Thats a powerful weapon to bring to any negotiating table.
Besides, candidates who please the voters can potentially stay in office for years, maybe forever, dead or alive. This will be known as the Strom Thurmond Phenomenon (STP).
To keep it running smoothly, we will of course have to put ID under the control of information technology experts. This should be no problem for them; they are accustomed already to controlling our lives. We shall call this group of rational computer engineers the “Everyday Government Organization” (EGO).
Instant Democracy is a wonderful idea, if I do say so myself. In fact, when I mentioned it to my lady friend the other night over dinner, she lifted her glass of very expensive wine and toasted my wisdom. I looked down and sipped my Fosters humbly.