News The Fly-By


Between rap-bashing and guilt-ridden Jay-Z downloads, and checking out Federal inmates for friendship and possibly more, Commercial Appeal scribe Wendi Thomas has devised a new tax plan that, according to the pious columnist, can solve Memphis’ financial woes by raising a fictional sum of money. In a column titled, “Everyday sin taxes could raise gazillions,” Thomas suggests a $100 fine for couples who take their baby to a movie theater, a $200 fine for anyone whose cell phone rings at a wedding or funeral, a $50 fine and “four thumps on the knuckles with a hardback Bible,” for churchgoers with bad parking lot etiquette (a potential violation of church/state separation), and a $1000 fine for anyone who runs a leaf blower before 8 a.m. on a Saturday. There was no mention of a more streamlined plan to level a single gazillion-dollar fine against cutsie-pie newspaper columnists.

Plante: How It Looks