
They Come in Large, Extra-Large, and Geek

Want to quickly separate the technophiles from the Luddites? Try one of Clear Function’s Web 2.0 T-shirts.

Clear Function, a Memphis-based technology company that does Web sites and interface design, recently “launched” three tech-based tees. Each costs $14, and to be completely honest, we don’t understand all of them. But we’re Luddites, so there you go.

Check them out here.

Want to quickly separate the technophiles from the Luddites? Try one of Clear Function’s Web 2.0 T-shirts.

Clear Function, a Memphis-based technology company that does Web sites and interface design, recently “launched” three tech-based tees. Each costs $14, and to be completely honest, we don’t understand all of them. But we’re Luddites, so there you go.

Check them out here.