Explore Bike Share – Facebook
In one month, 2,950 people have used Explore Bike Share (EBS), the citywide bike share system. They traveled 27,503 miles and burned more than 1 million calories.
EBS launched last month with the Big Roll Out, an event in which volunteers rode 600 bikes to 60 bike share stations across the city.
Here are some stats from EBS as of Wednesday, June 20th:
Total number of monthly and annual members: 544
Total number of users: 2,950
Total number of bike trips: 6,423
Total distance: 27,503 miles
Estimated total carbon offset: 26,078
Estimated total calories burned: 1,095,967
Explore Bike Share
A Downtown bike-share station
Top ridership by station:
· Overton Park
· Big River Crossing (East)
· Beale Street Landing
· Court Square
· Crosstown Concourse
· Memphis Park
· Loflin Yard
· Front & Beale
· Hudson Transit Center
· South Main & Talbot
In its first month, the system already has more than half of its annual membership projection. EBS officials hoped to have around 500 members in its first six months; more than 500 signed up in the program’s first month.
”Of course we feel the numbers are important, but as a [nonprofit organization] with a mission of encouraging Memphians to engage with their communities and communities outside of their own, it’s about the people, first and foremost,” said EBS executive director Trey Moore. “Our community partnerships, a dedicated staff, and the amazingly patient and supportive bike share users from Memphis and beyond have exceeded our expectations. I feel a great optimism for Explore Bike Share’s future.”