My, how time flies. I guess this is the last time to write this column for the year much to the joy of many of you, I m sure. What with all my unpatriotic Bush-bashing and all. So why don t I take this opportunity to call a Democrat on the carpet? Presidential hopeful Howard Dean came right out recently and said that the capture of Saddam Hussein does not make the United States any safer. Joe Lieberman said Dean s remarks make him incapable of being president. The nerve of Dean. Well, I couldn t agree with him more and I think Joe Lieberman needs to drop out of the race and out of sight. Not only does the whiny little man look like a basset hound wearing a Barbara bush wig that has been in a steam room, but he also voted for the war in Iraq and therefore should have no forum to speak. I don t think Dean is always right (who is?), but he s dead-on with the Hussein remarks. After all, was it Hussein who had his men fly into the World Trade Center? Did he have any weapons of mass destruction? Seems he must have used up all the ones the Reagan administration gave him during the 1980s to kill a million Iranians our enemy de la decade at the time. And speaking of real terrorists, I hope that during his campaign, Dean uses the fact that the Bush administration knew about the threat of 9/11 and did nothing about it other than to stop taking commercial airline flights themselves because of security threats that they didn t convey to the American public. Oh, didn t know about that? Believed them when they said there was no way to predict what happened? Didn t know that three weeks before the attack, the Bush administration threatened to bomb the Taliban because they had stopped playing the way the Bush administration wanted them to while it was backing them so they would help the United States secure an Afghanistan OIL pipeline for us? Didn t know that during August, before the attacks, Bush despite having been notified by the CIA that Osama bin Laden was intent upon launching an attack against the United States soon left for a month s vacation at his Crawford, Texas, ranch, at which point he had spent 42 percent of his first eight months in office at the ranch, the family compound in Maine, and Camp David? Didn t know that on August 6, 2001 at the ranch, The CIA gave Bush an extensive terrorism report entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S. which contained information about the possibility of possible attacks and that bin Laden may have been planning to have the Taliban hijack airplanes and that Bush, after receiving the report, spent the rest of the day fishing? Didn t know that on September 10, 2001 Senator Diane Feinstein, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, requested a meeting with Dick Cheney about possible terrorism and was told by his chief of staff that they would need six months to prepare for it? Think I am making all of this up? Just check out or ask the Center for Cooperative Research. These make up just the tip of the iceberg of their findings. And ask Thomas Kean, the former Republican New Jersey Governor who heads up the independent commission investigating the 9/11 attacks. He s releasing his report next month and the shit is going to hit the proverbial fan. So we will just see. In the meantime, here s a brief look at what s going on around town this week. Tonight, of course, is Christmas, so you ll probably be celebrating with family and friends. My recommendation: Mix up your favorite adult beverage and get together and watch The Ref. It takes place on Christmas Eve and from Judy Davis telling her in-laws, Why don t you eat me! at the dinner table to Christine Baranski slapping one of her children and telling him to Celebrate the birth of Christ! when he wonders what they will do for the night with no cable, it s the best holiday movie I can think of.