I am no longer interested in the issue of gay marriage. I am no longer afraid of future terrorist attacks. I am not afraid of getting older. I am not afraid of what other people around the world might think of me because I am represented in part by George W. Bush. He is stupid and that s not going to change and a lot of people will vote for him and that s nothing I can change. I don t care about John Kerry s war record. I don t care about the governor of New Jersey quitting because he had an affair with another man. I DO care about the fact that Florida police officers are treating African-American absentee voters there like potential members of the Taliban, going from house to house interrogating them and intimidating them for no reason they will offer to them or to the public, making them feel as though they are doing something illegal by hosting get-out-the-vote campaigns (read Bob Herbert s piece on that in The New York Times from last week). I don t care how many times Bill Clinton had oral sex in the White House. I don t really even care that W was probably AWOL while in the National Guard but still lets the Swift Boat for Truth assholes get away with what they are doing. I don t care that the majority of voters in California feel the need to have bad actors as they governors. I don t care whether Scott Peterson is guilty or not. I don t care if they get a confession out of that Hacking dude in Utah. I don t care if Linda Rondstat got things thrown at her for dedicating a song to Michael Moore or if people ran over their Dixie Chicks CDs after they said they were ashamed to be from Texas (who wouldn t be?) during a concert because Bush lives there. I ve had it with politics, and even though I have a Kerry-Edwards sign in my yard because I would rather have Jeffrey Dahmer in the White House than George W. Bush, I just don t want to hear anyone running for office say anything unless it is Al Sharpton. I ve taken on this no-care attitude because A) I can no longer stomach the media and its pundits on their talk shows and on the mainstream tv news, giving equal amounts to drama Iraqi babies accidentally killed in war as they give to a beauty-blitz makeover on some poor soul they transform from a normal person to one who looks like a three-dollar hooker working the Wal-Mart parking lot (though I will say I enjoyed watching Matt Lauer playing water polo in Greece the other day during the Olympics B) because I have to now keep up with four email addresses with four user names and four passwords, four telephone numbers with four different voice mail passwords, eight if you count trying to access them from a different phone, as well as pin numbers for credit cards and checking accounts and security alarm numbers and such; and C) of Debra Paget. Yes, 1950s B-movie film star Debra Paget. I recently read a short bit on her in response to a reader writing in wanting to know what she is up to these days. The magazine stated that she had been married once for 16 days, once for 22 months, and then again for 16 years to an oil tycoon. When reached by the magazine for comment she responded, I don t want to be contacted by anyone about anything ever again. Now I am in love with her and I have to think too much about that. So there. And, not that I care, but here is some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight s Sunset Atop the Madison Series party on the rooftop of the Madison Hotel features live music by Amy & The Tramps. It s opening night of Helen s Most Favorite Day at TheatreWorks. Lynn Cardona & Friends are at Republic Coffee. And The Mocha Lounge featuring Nam Moses and Nappy Wilson are at Young Avenue Deli.