Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, I m going to take the easy route here and just use this space to offer up some thanks for some things. First of all, let s all give a HUGE THANKS for the Memphis Grizzlies finally winning a game for the first time this season. I don t care what anyone says, this is a great team in many, many ways. When they aren t on the court they are doing wonderful things for the community and they deserve our unconditional support. BUT winning that game was absolutely sweet. And, Silky Sullivan, if the fact that you walked a goat around the Pyramid that day to improve its karma had anything to do with it, thanks to you. Now, thanks to the Canadian official who, under her breath at the NATO expansion summit in Prague, called George W. Bush a moron. Let s face it: Half the world has been thinking it for years, and finally, someone actually said it for the world to hear, although the press has done a terrible job of covering it. Where are the headlines? And this is not to say that Bush is a bad man. Even though he s on a role of stripping Americans of their basic civil rights and is about to engage us in a colossal war of bloodshed and violence, he is necessary for the movie we re in and makes it all the more interesting. It s just like when the Roman Catholic Christians wiped out the Pagan Christian civilization thousands of years ago. Yep, demolished one among many sanctuaries and plopped the Vatican down right on top of it. If you don t think history repeats itself, think again. I d like to offer a huge thanks to my eight-year-old nephew Grant for the wisdom he has shown in the new book he is writing that spells out the similarities between elementary school and prison, a work of genius prose in which he refers to recess as simply time in the exercise yard. Speaking of my family in the context of Thanksgiving, this reminds me of a particular one loooooong ago when I was in my early twenties. I had decided to be completely honest with my mom in an attempt to allow us to reach our full potential of loving and understanding one another. I know, the things we do during our youth. So while eating Thanksgiving brunch with her at a restaurant one year, I related a story to her that involved, well, let s just say a now-defrocked priest (I ve always prided myself on being ahead of fad among the masses; no pun intended), a house full of empty glass vases, and a dog bite. At this juncture, she simply took a long drag off of her cigarette, lowered her black sunglasses, and said, Enough with this honesty business. I am not paying your psychiatrist to have to endure this kind of thing. You do whatever makes you happy but just don t tell me about it. I do miss her so. And I guess that wasn t as bad as the messes I made when going through my sand candle-making phase as a junior-high aged hippie. I d also like to offer thanks for the deer that walked into the Blues City General Store on Beale Street Saturday; how cool was that and was that in any way related to the goat karma? Who knows? And a big thanks to the What Would Jesus Drive? people for bringing up that oh, so valid question. I can tell you right now it wouldn t be any of the cars I ve ever owned, although He probably could have fixed the last one, which had a perpetual dead battery due to the automatic door locks voluntarily locking and unlocking themselves constantly when the car was not running. Click, click. Click, click. If I bought a 2003 Bentley, I guarantee you something would happen to render it not driveable. Finally, I d like to say thanks to the hamburger that walked into a bar recently and asked the bartender for an order of fries, to which the bartender responded, I m sorry but we don t serve food here! And with that, I will call a cease to this meaningless chatter and offer a little thanks to some of the things going on around town this week. Today, of course, is Thanksgiving, so eat plenty and give plenty of thanks and try not to cringe at remarks you in-laws make. And to escape after the big dinner, The Eric Gales Band and The Zach Myers Band are playing at The Lounge. And there s a Tuscon Simpson CD-Release Party at the Full Moon Club.