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thursday, 4

I AM THE GOD OF HELL FIRE! Well, not really. I just felt like saying that for some reason. It s related to nothing. I also feel the need to mention the best review I ve heard yet of The Passion of The Christ. A friend of mine, upon leaving the theater after watching the violent and intense film, remarked simply: Jesus Christ! Personally, I feel like making a film called The Passion of the NBA Referees Who Keep Screwing the Memphis Grizzlies Royally and Getting Away With It When They Should Be Stoned into Pretty Bad Pain in Public and Made to Repent or be Imprisoned. What is up with these evil men? If a player from another team walked up to Pau Gasol on the court during the game and clubbed him with a baseball bat, they would call the foul on Gasol for being there. The refs need to be brought before a tribunal committee and interrogated for their actions that are obviously biased against the Griz and we should have the chance to replay some of the games they have throw. Am I bitter? Yes. I can t help it. I guess down deep I m just very upset about this new gay marriage thing threatening the very fabric of society and potentially causing its overall demise. It s a good think the Liar doesn t have anything better to do that to address this issue in the way of his call for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to help keep the country from falling into a vortex of orgies and polygamy and bestiality. I saw a very smart Republican Senator one of the talking head political shows Sunday morning explaining that the ban is needed because marriage is meant to be between and man and woman so they can procure and raise children. According to him, this is the only reason for marriage. So I guess we d better call for an institutional ban on marriage for people over the age of 55, when the childbearing years are over. There s no telling what damage they are doing to the institution of marriage. And we might as well ban marriage for couples who are unable to have children, and those who just don t want any. What with the gay marriage dilemma and who wore what to the Oscars, you d think the media have forgotten that we are still engaged in war in Iraq and that the Liar s tax cuts for the super-wealthy are quickly draining the Social Security fund and that some of us aren t going to be able to afford to eat Alpo when we retire. Oh, well, as that guy from Bartlett wrote in to the editor a couple of weeks ago, I guess I am just siding with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein whenever I criticize the current White House administration, so I d better just go see how Matt Lauer and Cojo are getting along in their assessment of the Oscar fashions. In the meantime, here s a brief look at some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight is opening night of Just Be a Man About It at The Orpheum, about women searching for their soul mates and starring Christopher Williams and the fabulous R&B diva Shirley Murdock. There s an opening reception at the Crescent Club for work by Bruce Meisterman. Louisiana guitar legend Marshall Crenshaw is at the Hi-Tone. And jazz artists Lynn Cardona & Tim Goodwin are at Republic Coffee House.