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Thursday Music: Shell, Square, Detective Bureau!

Thursday Music: Shell, Square, Detective Bureau!

Thursday has become logistically impossible from a live music standpoint. But the surplus is ours to enjoy. 

The Levitt Shell:  John Fullbright

Usually I see an acoustic guitar/harmonica combo and head for the exit. But this Fullbright guy is of a higher order. He has a musical depth that draws on stuff like Mose Allison. That multi-instrumental songcraft sets him apart from the sensitive SEC strummers. 

Thursdays Squared:  Trademark with 8-Ball Aitken.

Aitken, the all-time world band photo champion, joins the self-styled Motley Crue of country. Aitken. Dude. Trademark look like some rowdy sorts. Pull the muffler off your Prius and get over there.

The Buccaneer The Detective Bureau

We talked to Joe Restivo for our piece on Teenie Hodges. He’s made his place as the city’s most fiercely focused jazz and R&B guitar player. He’s played with everyone, probably a result of his focus on the art, not the technique. The Detective Bureau is his band. They draw on late 1960s-early ’70s jazz and Latin music. Nominal start at 10:30.