
Tiger Green

Tomorrow is the University of Memphis’ Tiger Blue Goes Green day, complete with a Sustainable Design Showcase in the third floor ballroom in the University Center and exhibits on recycling, the campus gardening initiative, and eco-job opportunities on the Student Plaza.

U of M President Shirley Raines will kick off the event at 10 a.m. The Physical plant will display its cost-saving building improvements, but for my money, I wouldn’t want to miss the department of architecture’s “bioplastic lights.”

In addition, the U of M Cycling Club is hosting its first Bike to Campus Day. They are planning several group rides to campus, about two to three miles in length leaving around 9 a.m. and converging on campus at the fountain near the Administration building at 9:30 a.m. To find out more about specific group rides, click on the Facebook page.

Tell me that bike isnt Tiger Blue and that other person has gone green! (From South Koreas Hi Seoul Festival, NOT the U of M.)

  • Tell me that bike isn’t Tiger Blue and that other person has gone green! (From South Korea’s Hi Seoul Festival, NOT the U of M.)

Also, if anyone wants to play roving reporter for me tomorrow — I’ll be on deadline — I’m more than open to hearing from volunteers.