Sports Sports Feature

Tigers Ranked #3, #4, #5, #8

Depending upon which poll you believe, the University of Memphis Tigers are the 3rd-, 4th-, 5th-, or 8th-best team in the country …

Depending upon which poll you believe, the University of Memphis Tigers are the 3rd-, 4th-, 5th-, or 8th-best team in the country.

The NCAA coaches poll was kindest to the Tigers, ranking them third. CBS’ RPI poll, at the other extreme, has them eighth.

In a scenario not unlike the NCAA’s BCS football poll, four major-conference teams — Pitt, Connecticut, North Carolina, and Oklahoma — have been taking turns in the top four spots for weeks, despite each of them losing at least once. But they lost to “major” conference foes, don’t you know, so it doesn’t count.

Looks the like the Tigers will have to earn a higher ranking the hard way — just like last year. Go here for all the polls.

— BV