Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

To Do: Gingerbread Houses, Free Cupcakes, a Vote for Imagine

Here are a few upcoming events that won’t put too much strain on your holiday schedule …

First up, there’s the Gingerbread Fantasy at the Children’s Museum of Memphis on Saturday and Sunday, December 8-9 at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Kids build and decorate their own gingerbread houses. The kits and the candies are included. The cost is $25. Kids must be registered by Wednesday, December 5th. To register, go here.

Next, it’s the Great Cupcake Giveaway at all four area Gigi’s Cupcakes on Friday, December 14th, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Customers who bring in at least 3 non-perishable items to donate to the Mid-South Food Bank will receive one gourmet cupcake as a thanks. The Q 107.5 Morning Crew will be broadcasting live, and there will be games and prizes.

Finally, Imagine Vegan Cafe is one of four restaurants across the country that is up for a Libby Award for Best Vegan Local Restaurant from peta2, PETA’s youth division. To vote, go here. Voting continues until December 17th. Winners will be announced December 19th.