
Today is Go Skate Day

UPDATE, 3 p.m.: The local Go Skate Day event has been canceled. Sorry for the short notice!

Random skateboarding picture

  • Random skateboarding picture

Local skaters are celebrating International Go Skate Day today from 4 – 11 p.m. at “Al Town,” the DIY skatepark located on Suzette just off of Crump.

Al Town has been a fairly well-kept secret for the past two years — I’ve heard rumors, but never actually seen it. I think it’s in an old warehouse. But today all are welcome at Al Town, whether it’s to skate or just check out what they’ve done with the place.

Skatelife Memphis founder Aaron Shafer tells me the skaters have most recently built a quarter-pipe, but there’s also a mound they call “the volcano” and something else called the “wall ride” (my notes are unclear on what exactly this is, but I do know it’s graffitied out. So there’s that).

For more information, find the event on Facebook by clicking here.

ps. Anyone who goes, feel free to send me pictures and I’ll post them here.