Like Aaron Woolf says, I know transportation isn’t the sexiest topics, but in terms of economic development and people’s quality of life, it’s really important to think about.
Do I really have to list the reasons why? No? Good.
Last week, I took a trip to Chicago, riding a double-decker bus from MATA’s north terminal on Main Street to Union Station in Chicago to get there. On the way back, I took Amtrak. (Amtrak was much better than the bus, but it was also about three times as expensive. The bus fare was *very* affordable.)

- Random vacation picture of Millennium Park. Are you jealous yet?
While I was in Chicago, I also took a cab, grabbed a few rides in cars, and used the L every single day. Oh, and there was a lot of walking.
I think the only other means of transportation I might have missed was bicycling. But I have my chance to make up for it tomorrow when it’s national Bike to Work Day!
Downtown is all over this this year, and the Center City Commission has organized several meet-up locations for people who want to ride with other people into downtown (let’s be honest. If this is the first time you’re riding a bike into work, it might be more safe, to hit the road with other people.)
Meet-ups are at Eastgate shopping center, the Brooks, and Otherlands. There is also a bike-to-work energizer center at Main & Greenlaw, and a bike-to-work event at Court Square from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
(Now all I have to do is find someone to loan me a bike.)