A few days ago, I wrote about MATA and its Dump the Pump day initiatives.
Obviously, service that is affordable and efficient would be a great boon to the city and its citizens … and something that would be even more helpful in getting people to “dump the pump.”
But MATA needs to be careful because the opposite is also true. Discounting a pass is a great incentive to get people to try to use public transportation. Now the question is: What kind of experience are they going to have when they do so?
The day/week will only be successful long-term if potential riders find a system that meets their needs.
I’m not saying it won’t. I hope it will.
But, based on what I saw at the last board meeting, I have serious doubts about how customer-service oriented MATA truly is.
(Full disclosure: I’ve gone back and forth about writing about this. MATA is an easy target, almost too easy of a target. I think most of the people in the city are aware of MATA’s failings with the exception, perhaps, of MATA itself. So, really, what’s the point?)