Music Music Features

Tour de Wolf at Murphy’s

Music consumption is increasingly on the move: in the car, on the subway, in a plane looking out the window. Even walking down the street is commonly done with a pair of headphones on. We accidentally shout lyrics in large crowds, and we all know the kind of music that sounds best when the world is moving around us. The songs of Tour de Wolf fall into this category. The members of this ever-expanding group have only been working together for six months or so, and though the songs are written mainly by lead singer Chris Reid, each hinges on collaboration between a diverse set of instruments. The swirling, intricately layered sound captures the feeling of being suspended in motion in the way only ambient power-pop can. And while a number of similar projects have accomplished this, Tour de Wolf manages to do it while going beyond mere imitation. They balance labored work with spontaneity and nuanced music with a cohesive aim. Reid’s growling, often indistinguishable vocals offset the sunny complexity of the rest of the sound, pointing out what’s unique about music in the midst of commute. It physically cuts us off from the world around us, even while making us feel connected to everyone and everything else. It’s that pairing of community with isolation that makes Tour de Wolf interesting, relevant, and more impressive than the many who attempt a similar goal. Tour de Wolf play with Whose Army?, Blue Cadet 3, and Youniverse at Murphy’s Saturday, May 29th, at 10 p.m. — Halley Johnson