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Trump Thoughts: Officials Weigh In on Trump’s Big Win

By now we don’t have to tell you that Republican Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election Tuesday in an upset over Democrat Hilary Clinton.

As the news settles on everyone today, statements about the win are beginning to roll in from politicians, political groups, and more.

We’re going to compile all the ones that hit the Flyer newsroom in this post. So, this will be updated as we get them.

Be sure to check out our cover story this week, “WTF?” from our political expert, Jackson Baker. It’s on the stands now.

But you can read Baker’s deft analysis of the big finale right here right now. Do it.

Here are some of the officials statements we’re getting:

U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.):

“Congratulations to President-elect Trump. The election belongs to the people and the people have voted for change. Donald Trump is the agent for that change.

Now it is the responsibility of the President-elect and the Congress to work together to address the voices of anger and despair, and of hope, that we heard yesterday. This includes reducing Washington’s role in our lives, making it easier to find a good job and less expensive health care, and making our system more fair.

It’s time to put the election behind us. The way to make change and move our country in the right direction is to work together to bring out the best in all of us.”

ACLU of Tennessee executive director Hedy Weinberg:

“For nearly fifty years, the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee has been freedom’s watchdog in this state, challenging government abuse of rights and fighting for fairness in our laws and their enforcement. No matter who is president, our role is no different.

Today, like yesterday and like tomorrow, we will continue to stand strong as we build a movement in pursuit of justice and equality, freedom and fairness.

We will continue to fight for and defend the rights of individuals and communities who have traditionally been denied their rights, including people of color; lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people; women; prisoners; people with disabilities; mental-health patients; and the poor. Because we believe that if the rights of society’s most vulnerable members are denied, everybody’s rights are imperiled.

Our staff of strategic and tenacious advocates and litigators, and our millions of volunteers, members and supporters across Tennessee and throughout this country stand ready to fight against any encroachment on our hard-won freedoms and rights.

We have challenging times ahead of us in our state and across the nation. But we are ready to roll up our sleeves and stand up, together, for freedom and justice.”

Black Lives Matter (Memphis chapter):

“We know that people are shocked, hurt, angry, and discouraged after learning of the election results. Since the founding of this nation, marginalized groups have worked tirelessly to fight against systems of oppression; last night, and this entire election season, showed us that this country wants these systems of injustice to prevail.

“Our work has always been important, and after last night, we truly recognize how vital it is to continue to fight for our liberation and against oppression on all fronts.

“We are ready, and we encourage others to join us in this fight for freedom. We can no longer be complicit with the social injustices that plague this country or city, as we see the results of such complicity. We know that it will be a long and tiring struggle, but we believe that we will win.

“Moving forward, we plan to continue to organize around issues that disproportionately affect Black Memphians. This includes poverty, educational and housing inequities, police brutality, job insecurity, and sexual health.

“Our next meeting is this Sunday, November 13th, at 3 p.m. Following the meeting, at 4 p.m., we will have a discussion about moving forward after the election.

Thursday, November 17th at 5 p.m., we will be hosting a community forum at the Hollywood Community Center. The discussion will be centered around criminal justice, education, and jobs. Please visit our Facebook page, the Official Black Lives Matter Memphis Chapter, for more details on events.”