“Enemy action” forced the cancellation of an event at Shelby Farms Tuesday and the anti-vax, truther, “patriot,” anti-5G, Pizzagate, Trumper, “freedom” group behind it claims management there was influenced by the Deep State working through the Anti-Defamation League.
The national Arise USA Tour was planned for Shelby Farms Tuesday, according to the tour website. It was cancelled, apparently, and the “management” of the park should be “condemned by all citizens. … for their betrayal of the public trust.” Tour speakers planned to still met attendees on site Tuesday, according to the website. Organizers called the cancellation “treason most foul in Memphis, TN” and called Shelby Farms management “Shelby Farms Rats.”
Organizers called the cancellation “treason most foul in Memphis, TN” and called Shelby Farms management ‘Shelby Farms Rats.”
A Shelby Farms official said the deal for the event was never finalized.
“The Arise USA Tour did reach out to request event space rental, but the event was never officially approved or scheduled,” said park spokeswoman Angie Whitfield. “No signed contract or payments were exchanged.”
According to the group, Jane Rassman, an “outraged citizen” and presumed event attendee, wrote to Shelby Farms officials asking why they cancelled the event “last minute.”
“My (admittedly uninformed) opinion is that someone in a position of power and/or influence overrode your common sense of decency and patriotism and where you might have used your sovereignty and free will as an American, caved in to Fear [sic] and Greed [sic], and cancelled the event, which is so sorely needed in this country, as evidenced in what just happened in your case,” Rassman allegedly wrote. “For the last 50 years, in every level of government, corruption and greed have caused the good people like your children and grandchildren to be lied to, stolen from, and have seen their heritage robbed — and it has been with the acquiescence of the silent majority.”

A video from the group shows speakers in a tour bus at what looks like Shelby Farms and speaker Sacha Stone said, “Wouldn’t you know it? We’ve come under attack. No sooner did we pull wheels into Memphis, Tennessee, than we hear the rug has been pulled.”
The group’s website said if its message had to be summed up in one statement, it would be this: “#UNRIG – Stop the $DOLLARS$ to Corrupt Politicians.”
If its message had to be summed up in one cartoon, it said it would be this:

The group’s main goal, it appears, is to remove money from politics, until the #UNRIG Election Reform ACT, whatever that is, is passed. “Turn off the money,” the group says, “let’s hear them squeal like the pigs they are.” This is to give other political groups, like “Libertarians, Independents, Sandernistas, Trumpers, Greens, and others,” a proportional representation in Congress.
The group also wants to persuade county sheriffs to intervene on behalf of citizens to “protect them from federal, state, and local officials who attempt to impose unconstitutional and unreasonable rules and acts.”
The group also calls for “truth,” especially about the “fake pandemic” that was created for a “toxic” vaccine.

“My intent is to call on specialists to illuminate for the public the treason and high crimes represented by the fake pandemic, unconstitutional lockdown, mask idiocy, and the deaths and sterilization and mutations associated with the untested toxic ‘vaccines’ that are neither approved nor warranted — junk science is now criminal science,” reads the group’s “message” page.
Oh, and they want “Web 3.0, Open Source Everything, and the World-Brain.”
As for the Shelby Farms cancellation, tour speaker Robert Steele said “this has happened to many truthers.”
“The way this works is that Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its new expanded Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), both fronts for the Deep State, mobilize paid and volunteer trolls to flood the cubicle rats managing any given venue with calls and emails denouncing patriotic and truther elements in a manner easily qualified for a federal trial and judgement on three counts: conspiracy to cyber-stalk, conspiracy to defame, and tortious interference,” Steele explained.
Steele finished by saying, “I praise God for the day that I know is certain to come: the eradication of the ADL and the CCDH as criminal conspiracies in service to the Deep State (1 percent), generally, and to Israel (the Zionist Red Mafiya never to be confused with Judaism), specifically.”
It seems other cities have refused the Arise USA Tour. The Wednesday stop was listed for Russelville, Arkansas, “in lieu of Little Rock” and another in late May was set for Hearne, Texas “in lieu of Houston or College Station.”