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tuesday, 4

Recuperate from Monday….I read…. the other day [about a 17-year-old boy]
who was the victim of molestation by one “Smiley the Clown.” Now, I am not
making fun of this incident, and no one out there should be molesting anyone.
But come on. A clown! Named Smiley? For one thing, if you must be a
clown, you really should come up with a name that’s a bit more original. And
you should not, under any circumstances, molest young boys. No wonder so many
people have phobias of clowns. Clowns, mimes,Republicans, Spice Girls, rock-
chucking anti-tax fanatics, those people who run around Audubon Park enacting
those strange medieval battles. Sometimes I’m must plain scared to walk out of
my house….