Politics Politics Feature

Two-Man Chairman’s Race for Shelby County Democrats

So it would seem after Saturday’s preliminary caucus, in which a record crowd showed up at Airways Junior High to elect delegates for the party convention on March 31. Current chairman Matt Kuhn is not seeking reelection, and things are shaping up for a two-man race between lawyer Jay Bailey (left) and minister Keith Norman.

So it would seem after Saturday’s preliminary caucus, in which a record crowd showed up at Airways Junior High to elect delegates for the party convention on March 31. Current chairman Matt Kuhn is not seeking reelection, and things are shaping up for a two-man race between lawyer Jay Bailey (left) and minister Keith Norman.

Bailey is supported by David Upton and some, but not all, members of the party’s old Ford faction, as well as by the activist Grant brothers (Greg and Alonzo), Del Gill, and blogger Thaddeus Matthews. Norman has emerged as the candidate of the Sidney Chism faction and is likely also to be supported by Desi Franklin of the MidSouth Democrats in Action reform group.

it should be noted that other Democrats — including longtime activist Jody Patterson, who says she will run — may also launch candidacies before March 31.

–Jackson Baker