Design planning is underway for a new bridge on the west end of the Shelby Farms Greenline and city officials want your input.
City officials will hear from the public on the proposed Greenline bridge, which will connect Tillman to Flicker, on Monday. They’ll take those comments, input them into the plan on Tuesday morning, and present the final plan to the public Tuesday evening.
The new bridge will be constructed to the west of where the Greenline currently ends at Tillman. It will rise over an active railroad and extend the Greenline from Tillman to Flicker. A new Greenline trailhead will be established on Flicker under the Union-Avenue viaduct.
“From a connectivity standpoint, this westward expansion is also a logical move towards building a safe network of biking and walking facilities in Memphis,” said Nicholas Oyler, the city’s new Bikeway and Pedestrian Program Manager. “The scope of this project – and therefore the topic of these public meetings – only includes the extension of the Greenline from its current terminus at Tillman Street to Flicker Street.”
However, officials hope the bridge will allow the Greenline to one day extend farther south into Tobey Park, the Fairgrounds, and, perhaps, beyond. But Oyler said funding has not yet been committed for those phases of development.
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The Shelby Farms Greenline currently ends at Tillman.
Here’s the information on the public planning sessions:
• Monday, Oct. 17, 5 p.m.-6 p.m. – recap of design team site visit, design discussion, and pin-up of ideas
• Tuesday, Oct. 18, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., open design studio (open to the public to listen but not for comment)
• Tuesday, Oct. 18, 6 p.m.-7 p.m. – final presentation on design workshops
• First Baptist Church, 2835 Broad Avenue.
For more information, contact Nicholas Oyler, Bikeway and Pedestrian Program Manager at