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Update: Memphis Jobs

fb2a/1245532649-steve-jobs.jpg SING ALL KINDS noted back in April the rumor traveling around the web that Steve Jobs, CEO/co-founder, Apple, had moved to Memphis for health reasons.

That rumor has gotten some substantiation today with the Wall Street Journal‘s report that Jobs had a liver transplant in Tennessee about two months ago. Only three hospitals in the Volunteer State do liver transplants: Vanderbilt in Nashville, Le Bonheur in Memphis, and Methodist University Hospital in Memphis. Le Bonheur doesn’t treat adults. Circumstantial evidence suggests he was/is in the Bluff City.

Why Tennessee as opposed to another of the lower 48? The WSJ indicates it may have been because the waiting list for transplants in Tennessee is significantly shorter than other states.

Now, Alexander Haislip has some really juicy details. Jobs lives in “a quiet cul-de-sac” in a swank neighborhood? A 7,500-square-foot mansion built in 1914, yellow with white trim? Upgraded security and a white Jeep guarding the resident? I’m pretty sure this isn’t happening on my street in Berclair.

And who was that guy ordering foie gras at Chez Philippe a table over the other night?

So is he here or not? Citizen journalists/commenters of the world, I command you: Respond to this blog with every nugget or truth and rumor you have in your possession.

Related reading material:
Forbes, who complains that TN journos have dropped the ball on reporting this. Um, hello, SING ALL KINDS spread the uncorroborated rumor months ago.