Artist’s rendering by POTUS
“It’s just a tremendous thing you can do with these animals,” President Donald Trump told a hastily assembled group of top military officials. “They’re like living dinosaurs, it’s just the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen.”
Inspired by a half-remembered song about former president Andrew Jackson’s victory at the Battle of New Orleans, Trump laid out a plan to expand the American military by rounding up alligators and turning them into rocket launchers.
“It’s an incredible natural resource,” the President said of the threatened species. “What Jackson did with them — amazing really — is he’d fill their head with cannon balls. Such a good idea. One of the best I’ve ever heard. Then he’d take the gunpowder and — well, I’m sure everybody can guess where that went. Little fire. Bam! Japanese never knew what hit them.”
Trump asked an aide to lower the room lights then asked the assembled group to close their eyes and imagine with him. “Imagine you’re North Korea,” he said. “And one day you look up and all you can see is alligators falling from the sky shooting rockets out of their mouths.
“That’s Jackson for you,” the President concluded, admiringly. “Ahead of his time. Fine looking head of hair too.”