A rap career was the furthest thing from talented lyricist Virghost’s mind when he attended the University of Memphis back in 2005. But something on his mind were the rumors swirling around about him and a lady he was dating.
He revisits the frustrations he felt nearly a decade ago on the track “Pac In ’95.” Inspired by the adversity legendary rapper 2pac encountered and channeled through his 1995 classic Me Against The World, Virghost explains his own stressful circumstances on “Pac In ’95.”
The song, which will appear on Virghost’s forthcoming album, #GHOSTS, takes place in 2005, a period when Virghost was enrolled at the U of M and staying in the school’s Richardson Towers dormitory.
“I messed off with the wrong person, and there were a bunch of rumors being spread around that weren’t true about me and the girl I was dating at the time,” Virghost said. “Her ex-boyfriend was going around starting stuff and all that.”
The hearsay (which will be addressed on the track “Rumors” off #GHOSTS) was that the girl Virghost was dating had promiscuous tendencies; she allegedly had HIV and was passing the disease on to guys she slept with.
Despite the rumors, which Virghost said turned out to be untrue, he continued his relationship with the girl. However, the gossip didn’t cease, and people started to claim that Virghost also had the disease. He was subsequently ostracized by the same people he viewed as friends.
“I had a group of friends that I was hanging around in college, and when the rumor started going around, mostly all the people that were supposedly cool with me were not cool with me,” Virghost said. “At that particular time, I felt like it was me against the world. It was stressful; people making you an outcast over a rumor that’s not even true.”
Virghost’s album #GHOSTS will be a theme-driven installment based between the years of 2005 and 2008, which he considers a tumultuous period in his life. “Pac In ’95” is just one of the many audio testimonies the album will encompass from Virghost over that three-year period. Check out the visual to the track below.
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