Berry & Madden
Something Old, Something new…
Nobody’s getting married to my knowledge, but there’s still some cause to celebrate. Voices of the South is gearing up to take Mississippi Stories — some of Alice Berry and Jenny Madden’s oldest adapted work — north for a short, Off-Broadway run. In the meantime, the little company that could is also preparing a festival of new, locally-developed work brought to life as the result of guided workshops.
The Summoner’s Ensemble Theatre, which produces A Christmas Carol at the Merchant’s House starring former Memphian Kevin Jones in all roles, is presenting Mississippi Stories, adapted by Berry and Madden from the works by Eudora Welty. The Gloria Baxter-directed production arrives at the Studio Theatre at Theatre Row on July 28 and runs through August 7.
Voices hosts its first Mid-South Writer’s Lab Festival June 17-19. A group of local playwrights have spent the last year working together in a supportive environment to create five new plays.
Friday, June 17 at 7:00 pm:THE SECOND SAVIOR OF CAMBERT COUNTYBy Jeff PossonSaturday, June 18 at 5:00 pm:WILDBy Jason GerhardTHE VEILBy Terry ScottSunday, June 19 at 5:00 pm:LETTER MANBy Joy Tiffin-SutherlandTHE LEGEND OF T.C. DAWLEYBy Jonathan Lambert
Voices of the South: Headed to New York, Presenting New Work