
Vote for President, Keep the Glass

Whether you’re all about Barack Obama’s promise for change or John McCain’s “drill here, drill now,” there’s a pint of beer waiting for you at the Flying Saucer tonight …

Whether you’re all about Barack Obama’s promise for change or John McCain’s “drill here, drill now,” there’s a pint of beer waiting for you at the Flying Saucer tonight.

In its second-ever Presidential Election Saucer Poll, both the downtown and Cordova Flyer Saucer locations will be selling beer in $5 souvenir glasses featuring the 2008 presidential candidate of your choice.

Whichever candidate you pick gets a “vote,” which will be tallied on Tuesday, Nov. 4th (election night). But unlike in the real presidential election, you can vote as many times as you’d like, and voting remains open through Election Night.

“Over the years, we’ve found that Flying Saucer customers are very passionate — both about their beer and their politics — and we wanted to offer an interesting way to combine the two,” said Shannon Wynne, owner of The Flying Saucer.

So drink up, and may the best drunk win. For more info, go to