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Voters Will Decide Whether or Not to Eliminate Council Runoff Elections

The Memphis City Council voted in favor of letting voters decide on the November ballot whether or not to completely do away with council runoff elections.

The 11-to-2 vote means voters will get to decide if the council races follow the same winner-takes-all format as mayoral races.

Last year, the council voted to add a referendum, giving voters the choice to eliminate instant runoff elections or ranked-choice voting, which allows voters to rank their top three choices for a spot.

Councilwoman Jamita Swearengen who sponsored the ordinance said she believes this new referendum will resolve some of the concerns with run-off elections, such as the cost to taxpayers and the low turnout rate for runoff election voting.

Council members Bill Morrison and Philip Spinosa Jr. were the two council members to vote no.

Depending on the outcome of the November polls, the Shelby County Election Committee could begin implementing instant runoff elections in 2019.