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Warm Your Hands on These Social Media Dumpster Fires

Memphis As Fuck/Instagram

Did you see the bright lights over Memphis this weekend?

It wasn’t barbecue. It’s actually the glowing lights from two Memphis social-media dumpster fires. And you should have a look.

The flames are still being fanned on an Instagram photo posted by Memphis As Fuck (@memphisaf_ck) on Saturday. It shows a orange-brown rock in some desert landscape with the words “Memphis As Fuck” scrawled onto it.

Memphis As Fuck captioned the photo (above) ”#fanart #memphisasfuck #allday 🛒:” And a bunch of internet people are having none of it.
[pullquote-1] “Nice job asshole! Way to really flex your douchebag muscle,” wrote macscac.

“This is fucking gross, dude,” wrote zpeckler. “Stay the hell out of our public lands if this how you’re going to behave. I hope the Coconino [National Forest] rangers press charges.”

Apparently, someone did alert the authorities.

“I have sent this over to Coconino Co Sheriff’s office,” wrote rugerandtitan. “It’s been confirmed in their county, and they absolutely want to pursue charges.”
[pullquote-2] However, Instagram user instajunk said there were more things to worry about.

“I love how all these keyboard warriors are so distraught over a scratch on a rock and choose to spend their time worrying about this when they could be worrying about something really disgusting, like the state of our nation 🤦🏻‍♀️,” wrote instajunk.

The instagram picture was posted to Reddit (where, so far, 46 comments have piled up) Saturday. A Reddit user named PublicLandsHateYou said, the photo is believed to have been taken at Grand Canyon National Park, though that has not been verified.

“National Park Service would be greatly appreciative of any assistance you could provide in helping to identify potential suspects,” wrote Public LandsHateYou. “Actions like this are what close down access to public lands. Thanks for your help.”

Wanted to know what else is Memphis as fuck? Getting busted and going to jail.

Maybe whoever scrawled the city’s gritty, underground motto didn’t know the federal government has police that really do care about stuff like scrawled rocks.

The National Parks Service’s Investigative Branch busts folks for hunting on federal lands, smuggling protected plants and artifacts from them, and, yes, vandalizing them.

National Parks Service

Investigators are now looking for whoever carved “Ferny and Nicky” into a ruins at Tumacacori National Historical Park in Arizona. In 2016, Casey Nocket was sentenced to two years of probation and 200 hours of community service for drawing and painting on rock formations in seven national parks in 2014.

National Parks Service

And, it looks like Victory Bicycle Studios removed a Saturday post that also sparked a roaring fire. The photo showed a cycling jersey printed with a handgun in the rear pocket. Printed on the pocket is “Memphis” in a graffiti print. The post was captioned #memphis.

Victory Bicycle Studios

Bob Nelson wrote, “Good shop. Lousy taste.”

Daphne Maysonet wrote, “Ew, god, fire your marketing and design team. This is so embarrassing it’s hard to look at: creatively lazy AND cheaply produced. Looks like y’all just collectively read a definition for the word ‘subversive’ and landed on this. Lol. Cringeworthy af.”

Some liked it, though.

Douglas Loreman commented, “Change it to a Glock and I’ll take 2!”

Since you can’t see the post anymore, check out some of the many comments below.

If you see any raging social-media Dumpster fires blazing, let me know at