News The Fly-By


Has all that hazardous waste you ve been storing in the kids room been bringing you down lately? Are you uncertain about what to do with your extensive collection of acrid chemicals, caustic concoctions, poisons, and potions? Well, you re in luck. On Saturday, November 15th, the city of Memphis is sponsoring a free Haz ardous Waste Drop Off Day in the Liberty Bowl parking lot. According to fliers left on garbage receptacles, the city will be accepting oil, fuel additives, grease and rust solvents, antifreeze, gasoline, paint, paint strippers, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries, medicine, photoprocessing chemicals, and a whole lot more. They have, however, requested that participants not bring ammunition, explosives, medical waste, and radioactives — all of which are things you should probably hang onto anyway, just in case you need them to de fend yourself in the toxic, post-apocalyptic future.