Politics Politics Beat Blog


The online version of The Flyer is taking a brief siesta from new postings while worker ants below the surface of the screen are busily installing some renovations that, one morning presumably early next week, will delight your eye, your brain, and the rest of your sensorium. Meanwhile, our regular rotation has reached two regular columnists, Ed Weathers and Cheri DelBrocco, who customarily draw beaucoup reader response. So respond away to them, to a nifty (and provocative) essay hy new find Dan Johnson, or to anything else while we do our thing. It won’t take long, and we can sure use your advice.

As a matter of fact, feel free to favor us with your advice on our ongoing renovation by use of the email icon below. Comment on layout matters, columnnists, story ideas, news concepts, graphic elements, or whatever else you think we should or shouldn’t be doing with this website. Tell us tersely or at length, as suits you. And don’t be surprised if we take your advice. We’re fools for love.