News News Blog

We Could Use a Little Help

Dear Reader,

We could use a little help.

At the Memphis Flyer, we’re committed to being here for you in the best times, and in the most uncertain times. And friends, these are uncertain times. Like many of you, we’re working remotely now, doing our part to flatten the curve and reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our healthcare system. Our work days have turned into family affairs. We’ve set up shop at our kitchen tables and couches, muttering at the kids while we’re on video conferences. Our reporters continue to track down the stories you need to know about, but we’re doing a lot more phone interviews with barking dogs in the background.

Even in uncertain times, we’re certain about a few things. We’re always independent. We’re always free — we won’t ever charge you for a copy of the Flyer, or for access to our website. And we strive to keep you informed about and connected to our city.

This week, the Flyer published a cover story about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Memphis area. The cover story is very much a reflection of the strength of our team. As this story continues to develop, we will be here for you, just as we have been for the past 31 years.

Also like many of you, we’re seeing the effects of these uncertain times on our business. Our local, independent company is sustained to a great degree by advertising dollars from other local businesses — the sorts of businesses being affected acutely by the changes in our shared lifestyle. The entertainment and dining industries are experiencing radical changes already — and they happen to be our core advertisers.

We love our clients, and we respect their needs to cut back on marketing as they make difficult decisions to shift their own business models in unprecedented ways. Even as we feel the effects of these radical changes in our own pocketbook, we support the local business owners making sane, caring choices to protect community health and the health of their own employees and guests.

When this storm passes — and it will pass — we aim to be here for you still. We look forward to the days when we don’t have to wonder whether it makes sense to publish a calendar of live events, because so many have been cancelled. We look forward to bringing you stories about local restaurants that talk about more than their carry-out and delivery options.

In this moment, we could use your help. We know many of you are worried about your own finances, and we get it. But if you can spare a one-time contribution of $5, $10, or $20, we would be grateful. Think of it as an investment in our shared future. (If you are in a position to do so, we will cheerfully accept larger sums! But no pressure.) We also invite you to chip in a few dollars on a monthly recurring basis. However you choose to give, we’ll welcome you into our Frequent Flyer community. Go here, for details.

If you are not in a position to give financially, there are other ways you can support the Flyer — such as patronizing and supporting our advertisers, reading and sharing our work, and passing this message along to others.

Above all, thank you for being part of our community. We’re in this together.

Anna Traverse Fogle                                                   Bruce VanWyngarden
CEO, Contemporary Media, Inc.                                 Editor, Memphis Flyer