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West Memphis 3 Author To Present Lecture


Mara Leveritt, an Arkansas Times senior editor and author of The Devil’s Knot, will offer her take on the criminal justice system in light of the recent release of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley Jr. in the Memphis Law Student Bar Association’s Speaker Series on September 23rd.

Leveritt’s book, one of the most comprehensive looks at the West Memphis 3 case published to date, was released in 2002. It offers a strong argument for the West Memphis 3’s innocence, instead pointing to the West Memphis Police Department as not having properly investigated the 1993 murders of three eight-year-old boys.

The talk will be held in the Wade Auditorium at noon. Refreshments will be provided.

Read more about The Devil’s Knot in this 2002 Flyer cover feature.