News The Fly-By

What They Said

About “Edmund Ford Not Guilty on All Six Counts,” by John Branston:

“Jury pool in Memphis = morons. I wasn’t sitting on that jury, but I have to believe it was made up of morons if they couldn’t identify the bribe being accepted on the videotape. Good grief. Only idiots would believe that Ford thought that money was a loan.”

— Orchids

About “Who’s Your Favorite?” — the Flyer’s online poll that asked readers to cast a vote for their favorite Ford: John, Edmund, Harold Sr., Harold Jr., Ophelia, or Joe:

“Wow! We’re going to have to have a runoff for second place. It’s a four-way tie between Opie, John, Joe, and Senior. Edmund, thanks for playing, but it’s off to loserville for you, chump.” — olemiss

“Man, I miss the craziest of all the Fords, that all-time champ, John. He is certifiable batshit crazy! Can’t wait till he’s out of [jail] and giving us some twisted rants again.” — rantboy

About “Marsha, Marsha! Is She in Peril?” by Jackson Baker, about a possible upset by Tom Leatherwood of 7th District Congressman Marsha Blackburn:

“Marsha’s symbolically conservative but inconsistently truly conservative. You can find out about [Democratic challenger James] Tomasik on Farmer’s blog. He appears to me to be an elephant in donkey’s clothing. Much will depend on how Leatherwood reaches out and to whom.” Wintermute

Comment of the Week:

“Marsha is so hot!” — IBAXNU