greg cravens
About “Rose Did Not Cooperate and UM Kept the Lid On,” by John
“Have these people at U of M EVER heard of LAWSUITS? Sue Rose’s ass.
Sue Calipari’s ass. Sue all those people on that NCAA committee’s ass.
Go for the Gold. They have screwed us. Get some revenge money.”
— rantboy
About “Lost Wins: The Calipari Era Ends with a Whimper,” by Frank
“I’m ashamed I was one of the many who shed the proverbial tear
while reading the ‘He’s Gone’ headline months ago in the CA.
Whatta chump I was. Calipari has the conscience of a Fuller brush.”
— Phlo
“Good to see Calp back in the spotlight. We need more of his type to
remind us of how the cheating world does business.” —
About “Obama’s Here, Grab Yer Guns, Boys!” by Bruce VanWyngarden,
who wondered why people brought guns to a presidential speech in
“The only reason idiots like these bring guns with them is to draw
attention to themselves. They just want to make sure everyone knows how
really bad they are, and by all means, make the newspaper.”
— Hillbilly Kat
Comment of the Week:
About “Letters to the Editor” and an online discussion about
commentor guidelines, politics, and religion:
“‘Cash for
Clunkers’ was just the beginning, you just wait until you see ‘Cupcakes
for Communism.’ We’re going to bring back Socialism, Communism,
Fascism, the Whig Party, and disco.” — autoegocrat