News The Fly-By

What They Said

About “Letter from the Editor” and the real beginnings of the Tea Party movement:

“The Tea Party movement is a modern-day, right-wing version of the Symbionese Liberation Army. It’s only a matter of time before Sarah Palin changes her name to ‘Tania’ and starts robbing banks.” — phlo


“Wrong, phlo, it’s actually only a matter of time until she’s hanging out in a milk bar with her droogs getting ready for her next episode of ultra violence. While listening to Beethoven. And reading violent Bible passages.” — packrat


About “Worst Foot Forward” and the reasons MCS needs the city to look poor:

“Finally a throwdown challenge to the bottomless sponge.

In tonight’s first match we have Geoff Caulkins vs. RC Johnson. And in the title match, Challenger John Branston vs. Kriner ‘Needmo’ Cash.” — danzo


About “Herenton, Kyles, and Cohen: The Case of the Averted Glitch” (referring to an apparent snub of Cohen at the funeral of Benjamin Hooks):

“Is it just me, or is political grandstanding at a funeral just a bit inappropriate? ESPECIALLY for a supposed man of the cloth?” — mad_merc


About “Hey, Big Spender” and a guide to tipping:

“Farm workers can be paid less than minimum wage; should we tip the dude who picked the asparagus on the menu too?” — packrat

Comment of the Week:

About “Ghost Story”:

“There’s other stuff out there NO ONE can explain. We aren’t the only beings on this earth. I have had that proved to me on a few occasions.” — COPR