News The Fly-By

What They Said

About “Preview: Tigers at Louisville,” a game the
U of M lost 56-0:

“Having examined the chitlins, I predict a
glorious Tiger victory, provided Larry Porter and
RC Johnson pass a football three times over a
grave under a new moon. Luckily, there’s a new
moon tonight.” — jeff

About “Anatomy of a Success” and proof that
Obama’s programs have worked:

“The stimulus was a doomed failure when Bush
instituted it, and it is worse under Obama. First
of all, it isn’t constitutional. Pragmatism does
not trump law. Bailing out a failing institution
without changing the entire protocol of that
institution will only see similar results over
time. We should allow failing entities to die out
and allow successful ones to grow as in natural
selection.” — CHG

About “Sears Catalogued” and a visit to the old
Sears Crosstown building:

“I’ve always thought that this building would
be a great place for nonprofi ts. It’s close to
everything and easy to access. So many services
are available, but they are spread out. Wouldn’t it
be wonderful for a person in need to pay for one
bus trip and get everything!” — tvwalk

About “Cracker Barrel Makes a Major Leap Towards

“I’m glad to see the improvement. I can now
have a guilt-free breakfast there.” — Chris in Midtown

Comment of the Week:

About “With New Poll Suggesting She’s Far Behind Cohen, Bergmann Opens HQ”:

“I saw a guy wearing a ‘Charlotte Bergmann can win’ T-shirt at CY Fest. I mentally added a few lines: ‘in a different district,’ ‘against a different opponent,’ and ‘in an alternate universe.’” — cdel

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