News The Fly-By

What They Said

About “Bill Boyd and Janis Fullilove Duke It Out Over Forrest Park Controversy”:

“Two words: CAGE MATCH” — Remote Patroller

About “Guns and Government”:

“How many people have died in car accidents since 1969? Banning assault rifles will do nothing except make liberals feel like they have finally won a battle. It will have nothing to do with the murder rate. As it turns out, the mental case that killed those poor children in Newtown killed them with handguns, not an assault rifle. How come the press hasn’t picked up on that yet?” — HAL

About “Memphis Police Director Comments on Shooting of Steven Askew”:

“I think any reasonable person who saw someone sleeping in his car in a dangerous neighborhood, with a gun next to him on the seat, would at least have to consider the possibility that if someone bangs on the window while blinding him with a light, he might instinctively grab his gun to defend himself.” — GWCarver

About “20<30” and young Memphians shaping our city’s future:

“Yes yes yes!! Please do more stories like this! This city gets better and better every year, and with positive media such as this article, the positivity spreads in the hearts and minds of the readers.” — cdn

Comment of the Week:

About “Campers Get Slots in Optional Schools”:

“We’re talking about kids and their education. We’re talking about the future of this city and this country, and we’re leaving that up to who is willing to camp out and who is lucky enough to get a good draw in the lottery. Those kids whose parents can’t camp out, or who don’t get a lucky draw, are left to fight over the crumbs.” — jeff