About “More on the Cohen Matter”:
“I’m happy for the young lady that her real daddy is an oilman. But really I don’t know why she or any of her relatives or family friends think discussing this in public contributes to their dignity. We have the Ewings for that kind of thing.” — Brunetto Latini
About “Out of the Picture” and incentives for local filmmakers:
“Tennessee government is too busy legislating morality to concern itself with increasing state revenue. Who can blame filmmakers for going to Georgia and Louisiana? They’re clearly not wanted here.” — jmiller
About “Lois DeBerry: Legislative Pioneer, Party Leader, and Doughty Fighter”:
“I knew she had been very ill, but I am very sad to hear of her passing. She was a decent, kind, and very generous lady who served her people with distinction. Rest in peace and well done, Ms. DeBerry.” — arlingtonpop
About “Wharton Says Memphis Is No Detroit”:
“I wonder if the hot-air wind bags in Detroit say we’re nothing like Memphis.” — lifespalette
Comment of the Week:
About “Demolition Certain for Nineteenth Century Club”:
“The outrage seems to be more over what will become of the property than what is being lost. Which, to me, guts the argument. Once you say ‘It’d be okay if it wasn’t being turned into X,’ then you pretty much have no argument.” — Joey Hack