Greg Cravens
From “Letters to the Editor” and a letter about Memphis police trying to stop people from filming encounters with law enforcement: ”The police have a very good reason to want to stop people filming them while they do their jobs. Just imagine if you had someone sitting behind you at work, filming your every move. It would be nearly impossible to Twitter, Facebook, check your email, play Candy Crush, or make pithy comments on the Flyer website.” — Jeff
From “Proposed Brick-and-Mortar McDonald’s May Derail Plans to Build a Parking Garage for Food Trucks,” a parody piece about opposition to various planned local projects:
“Upcoming items on the Land Use Control Board’s agenda: the proposed Popsicle Stick Skyscraper, the world’s largest magnifying glass, the Escalator to Nowhere and various other Simpsons puns.” — barf
From “Concerns Arise As Gate to Evil Dimension Opens on Madison Avenue Bike Lane,” a parody piece about a hell-demons spewing from the bike lane:
“Oops! My bad. I may have accidentally conjured the beast after enjoying a few too many beers and a plate of roasted jalapenos the last time I was at Chiwawa.” — Tina Pierce Sullivan
From a tweet about Midtown Nursery fighting plans to build a food truck restaurant on his site. The nursery owner believed he had a verbal agreement to renew his lease:
“This makes me sad for the nursery, but it shows that verbal agreements mean nothing.” — Alyssa Perrella @alyssa_perrella
From a post linking to a Flyer story about a gun found in an Overton High School student’s backpack:
“So, the kid goes thru metal detectors every day and still puts a gun in the backpack … things that make you go hmmmm.” — Paula Hall