About “In the Weeds,” Alexandra Pusateri’s February 6th cover story on medical marijuana …
I’ve been getting phone requests for political donations. This is what I tell them: “From now on, I will only be donating to individual candidates who stand up for what’s right. Both parties ignore the wishes of 80 percent of the American people on the issue of medical marijuana, which demonstrates a total disregard for the needs of cancer patients, war veterans, and sick children suffering from brain-damaging seizures. When your organization makes a public statement in support of medical marijuana, you have my permission to call me back.”
When you get these calls, please don’t hang up. Tell them how you feel!
Brenda Sizemore
The ongoing negative stigma with marijuana is due to politicians receiving their funding from pharmaceutical companies and the federal and local authorities receiving funding for their “war on drugs.” Pharmaceutical companies have not found a way to make a profit on the free plant God has given to us for medicinal uses. When they work out a way to reach a good profit margin, it will become a good medicine with medical uses. When the government authorities lose their cash cow, the war on pot, their funding will be reduced and they will actually have to use their resources to fight the real war on drugs: heroin, crack, meth, and pharmaceuticals.
I think of the politicians sipping their bourbon and drinking their wine, pointing their fingers down on the folks who are suffering and enduring pain … begging for them to look at the research that has already been done.
Autoimmune disease sufferer
About Lee Harris and Steve Mulroy’s support of Kellogg’s workers on strike …
This does make me proud — candidates for county mayor and state senate thumbing their noses at Senator Brian Kelsey’s proposed anti-picketing legislation! The Humphreys School of Law at the U of M is cranking out the leaders of a new generation.
Scott Banbury
Greg Cravens
About Bruce VanWyngarden’s February 6th Letter From the Editor …
Maybe before VanWyngarden wrote “Neil Young has basically been stoned on pot for almost 50 years,” he should’ve finished reading the book and found out that Neil quit smoking pot in 2011 on the advice of his doctor and quit drinking at the same time because he was inspired by his daughter making the same decision. Also, if we don’t want to let “the sensationalism surrounding [Philip Seymour Hoffman’s] heroin death impact another drug-related decision” (i.e. the medical marijuana bill going through the Nashville legislature), maybe he should not talk about both in the same confusing article.
Gerald Stephens
About Senator Brian Kelsey’s “Don’t Serve Gay Couples” bill …
Since we don’t have civil unions, domestic partnerships, or same-sex marriages in Tennessee (from a legal standpoint anyway), how exactly can someone request goods or services in support of one?
Jeremy Dykes
Greg Cravens
One of the most pandering politicians I have ever seen. Not as smart as Stephen Fincher.
Jim Haire
Christians are doing whatever they can to make Christianity repugnant to gay people. It took me nine years after leaving the evangelical church to reach that conclusion and to walk away from Christianity altogether. I have no problem with Jesus and still believe some of what I’ve always believed. But that’s irrelevant now. If I ever do get married to my partner, I can assure Mr. Kelsey that it won’t be in a Christian church nor by a Christian minister of any denomination.
Brunetto Latini
If 36-year-old Brian Kelsey chooses a lifestyle without marriage, should he insist the rest of us follow suit?
Mia S. Kite