Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

About Jackson Baker’s post, “Putting the Clamps On” …

Excluding the networks from any control over the GOP presidential primary debates is controversial? The networks might actually have to report the news rather than make it.

When the presidential debates were going to finally include a Libertarian candidate, the Democan/Republicrats decided the League of Women Voters would no longer make the rules. The Republicrats decided to make the rules and chose to NOT include the Libertarian candidate. Guess they can’t handle the competition.

FYI, the Libertarians are the only political party that actually believes the national government (we haven’t had a federal government in many decades, but that is another subject) should follow the U.S. Constitution. Harry Taylor

About the Flyer‘s editorial, “The New Politics of Black, White, and Brown” …

If by magic or unbridled lust, we become a perfectly dun society, who are we gonna get to do the shit jobs for sub-poverty wages? People who are in more desperate circumstances than our own huddled masses, that’s who. And if they and we all look alike, then will the liberal guilt be assuaged?

CL Mullins

CL, I think that’s the point. If we could get past the race issue, maybe we could actually focus on the real issues driving things like poverty and not waste so much energy on race debates.


About Toby Sells’ cover story, “$outh Main”…

I moved downtown two years ago and the front doors of my apartment building open onto South Main.

I have a wonderfully small studio apartment, am within walking distance of Beale Street, The Orpheum, the Redbirds stadium, and just about anything else interesting in Downtown Memphis. The energy level down here is awesome, the people are always friendly, local visitors and tourists have a great time, and I have a good time mingling with them.

I’ve lived in several states and cities, in the suburbs and several apartments and, all in all, Downtown Memphis is the best place I have ever lived. It’s really exciting knowing what is being done and planned for the area. At this point, I can’t even imagine wanting to live anywhere else.


About Toby Sells’ Newsblog post, “Update: Memphis Zoo Apologizes to Mayor for ‘Personal Attack'” …

Where are all of these hippies when Tom Lee Park (Riverside) gets trampled and torn up every Memphis In May? It turns to a mud hole for months, and no one complains. This logically means that if we bring horrible music and lots of hot chicks and BBQ to Overton Park, it will resolve the issue.

Greg Cravens

People who support the zoo and those who support the park should be natural allies. This fight is petty, unnecessary, and probably a great source of amusement to those who support neither the park nor the zoo.


Why wasn’t extra parking/new parking lot or garage put into the equation when the zoo started expanding, many years ago. Common sense would tell you if you make something bigger and more attractive, more people will come. The zoo is now one of the city’s main attractions. There have been many times that I have skipped going due to the traffic alone and just went to the Pink Palace or the Children’s Museum.


As long as cars are being left in the middle of our public parks; we should treat them accordingly as public playground equipment.

Count Dracula

Me thinks it’s high time to show the zoo that opposition to parking on the greensward comes from more than just a “small group of protestors.” I’ve been silent on this issue up until now, but no more. When does the Get Off Our Lawn group plan to hold its next meeting? I’ll do my darndest to be there to lend my support. Maybe it’s time to for us to rally, picket, protest or do whatever it takes to get the message across to zoo officials.

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